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Baby Boomers Rule Rock and Roll

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Forget aging – there’s something to be said for being part of the baby boomer generation. By virtue of sheer numbers, we boomers rule!

This year’s Classic Albums Live lineup for the Centre for the Arts, Brock University is a baby boomer’s dream – featuring the very popular note-for-note, cut-for-cut cover performances of Paul McCartney and Wing’s Band on the Run and AC/DC’s Back in Black. If that weren’t enough to rock a baby boomer’s socks, the lineup also includes a fabulous evening of Elton John’s Greatest Hits.

It’s boomer heaven…but the millenials (your kids, that is) are going to love it too.

Paul McCartney and Wings
Band On The Run
Thursday, Dec. 12 @ 7:30 p.m.

After The Beatles, what could possibly come next?

You’d have been excused if you thought the breakup of the Beatles would mark the end of the road for the members of that iconic band, but you’d have been wrong, particularly in the case of Paul McCartney. Far from dropping out of sight, McCartney quickly found a new musical path and formed the band Wings. Though the music that band produced had echoes of McCartney’s past, Wings created its own sound and became a dominant musical force in the 1970s.

The pinnacle and McCartney’s most beloved post-Beatles work was 1973’s Band on the Run, an album that went triple platinum in the U.S. and included the hits “Band on the Run” and “Jet.” If you’re like me, these songs formed the soundtrack of our early teenage years and hearing them live on the Centre for the Arts stage exactly as Wings played them, will transport us back to our high school days.

Plus in true Classic Albums Live fashion, we’ll be treated to a second encore set of more McCartney favourites.

Back In Black
Thursday, Jan. 30 @ 7:30 p.m.

More than any other band of their era, AC/DC’s music is the sound of hard-rock-in-your-face fun.

Raunchy and irreverent, songs from AC/DC’s Back in Black album have become anthems for everything from sports teams to bachelor parties. The embodiment of brash Australian enthusiasm, AC/DC had just lost lead singer Bon Scott and added Brian Johnson when they recorded Back in Black. Ardent fans wondered – would the sound they’d always loved change? Only for the better.

Back in Black is arguably AC/DC’s best compilation, containing not only the title track, but also “Shoot To Thrill” and “You Shook Me All Night Long,” the best double entendre in rock and roll.

Will you be able to hear yourself think in the theatre when the AC/DC cut-for-cut performance begins? Probably not.

Will you love feeling the bass pounding in your chest? Yup.

Will you find yourself screaming for an encore? Absolutely.

Limited tickets remain and are available from $5 to $49.
And remember that if you purchase tickets to the Paul McCartney performance, you can receive FREE tickets to the AC/DC performance. All that is required is a donation of food, funds or an unwrapped gift to help out Community Care this holiday season.

For tickets and more information call the box office at 905-688-5550 x3257 or visit Centre for the Arts online at www.Arts.BrockU.ca

The Author

Liz Fleming, Managing Editor of NaturallyinNiagara.ca, is an award-winning journalist who writes a weekly travel gear column for The Toronto Star as well as regular travel features for The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun, Cruise and Travel Lifestyles Magazine and CAA Travel. She’s currently a featured commentator on the Astral Media radio stations in southern Ontario, providing daily travel ‘minutes’ and is the editor of WO, the White Oaks Magazine.

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