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Naturally in Niagara

Find the Rare and Wonderful at Our Gate To Your Plate

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If you’re looking for some of the rarest livestock in Canada, you’ll find it at Our Gate To Your Plate on Elm Tree Road in Grimsby, where a herd of Galloway cows – both solid and ‘belted’ – live happily on a formerly abandoned vineyard with Romney sheep, Large Black, Hampshire and Tamworthpigs and Black Jersey Giant, Chantecler , Rhode Island Red, Minorca and Barred Plymouth Rock chickens.

What these rare breeds all share in common is a spot on either an‘endangered’, ‘vulnerable’ or ‘at risk’ list. Chosen for not only their rarity but also for their ability to thrive in the Niagara climate, the animals live outdoors in a natural environment. The cattle and sheep eat no grain but are instead fed on grass, while the pigs, which live in the nearby woods, dine on a mix of rolled oats and barley along with veggies and fruit.

The goal is to mimic the animal’s natural lifestyle and living conditions because, according to owners Andy and Lisa Sproston, “The best meat comes from happy healthy animals.” No animal at Our Gate To Your Plate is ever given growth hormones and the meat sold is antibiotic-free.

If you’re slightly shocked by the thought of eating the meat from these creatures, remember: operating this business is ensuring the continued existence of rare animals by providing breeding stock for other livestock farmers.

For more information and for shopping times etc., please visit www.ourgatetoyourplate.com

Check out these awesome recipes:

Beef Stew with Jerusalem Artichokes
Chile Coffee Pot Roast
Jerusalem Artichoke Latkes

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The Author

Liz Fleming, Managing Editor of NaturallyinNiagara.ca, is an award-winning journalist who writes a weekly travel gear column for The Toronto Star as well as regular travel features for The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun, Cruise and Travel Lifestyles Magazine and CAA Travel. She’s currently a featured commentator on the Astral Media radio stations in southern Ontario, providing daily travel ‘minutes’ and is the editor of WO, the White Oaks Magazine.

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