Where to Live, Work, Play, Invest and Retire...Naturally in Niagara®

Naturally in Niagara

Pelham Reconstruction

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Over the years, the Town of Pelham has completed several studies that focused on ways to improve the Downtown Fonthill Pelham Street commercial core. Currently the roadway corridor is in deteriorated condition with poorly defined streetscape features and poorly defined traffic, pedestrian and bicycle ways which are not supportive by the business community and community vision. Through the recent granting of federal economic stimulus funding, the Town of Pelham has the opportunity to implement functional road and streetscaping improvements within the downtown Fonthill commercial core that will allow the downtown to become a distinct destination point for both residents and visitors.

Pelham is abundant with babbling brooks, scenic country roads, outstanding cycling routes, unique farm experiences, specialty shopping boutiques and culinary destinations. Natural beauty abounds all year around, with spectacular displays of spring blossoms and autumn colouring.

The Author

Marc DeLisio is the Director of Marketing and Technology at Naturally in Niagara. Marc loves Niagara, and is striving to make it an even better place to Live, Work, Play, Invest and Retire!

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