Where to Live, Work, Play, Invest and Retire...Naturally in Niagara®

Naturally in Niagara

Thriller Night in Fonthill for Gillian’s Place

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A fundraising event was held for Gillian’s place on Saturday called Thriller Night, featuring a haunted house, lots of zombies & yes the zombie Thriller dance was performed a few times throughout the evening!

All of this was in support of Gillian’s Place. As one of Ontario’s first shelters for abused women and children, Gillian’s Place has been providing safe refuge and non-residential programs that enable women and their children to break the cycle of violence for over 30 years. More than 12,000 women and their children have found safe emergency shelter and essential support services since 1977.

The Author

Marc DeLisio is the Director of Marketing and Technology at Naturally in Niagara. Marc loves Niagara, and is striving to make it an even better place to Live, Work, Play, Invest and Retire!

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