Where to Live, Work, Play, Invest and Retire...Naturally in Niagara®

Naturally in Niagara

What’s New at Naturally in Niagara?

By on 338
NIN Team

What’s new?  Lots!  Naturally in Niagara® has enjoyed its first highly successful year of bringing you all that’s best about our beautiful region – but we’re not content to rest on our laurels. We think that anything that’s worth doing is worth doing better!

That’s why we’ve revamped and rejuvenated our site to make it even more exciting and user-friendly. We hope you’ll enjoy what you see and feel encouraged to share your thoughts and suggestions with us.  Together, we’ll be even better!

Our upgrade includes a more visually appealing layout with a clean new look, a wider range of categories and a powerful new ‘search’ option designed to make it as easy as possible for our visitors to find just what they’re looking for.

We want you to feel connected, so we’ve included an expanded team bio section as well as a fresh, easy-to-use comment system to help you give us feedback.  We’re listening!  You’ll find that our social media profile on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube is also more powerful and will keep you up to date on what’s new and what’s great….Naturally in Niagara®

The Author

Liz Fleming, Managing Editor of NaturallyinNiagara.ca, is an award-winning journalist who writes a weekly travel gear column for The Toronto Star as well as regular travel features for The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun, Cruise and Travel Lifestyles Magazine and CAA Travel. She’s currently a featured commentator on the Astral Media radio stations in southern Ontario, providing daily travel ‘minutes’ and is the editor of WO, the White Oaks Magazine.

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