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Naturally in Niagara

Brock Shines On!

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Often the success of a program can be measured – at least in part – by its longevity.  That’s certainly the case with Shinerama a nationwide fundraiser that began in 1964 and has been helping raise funds for cystic fibrosis ever since.

Canada’s largest post-secondary fundraiser, Shinerama began with students shining shoes to raise money but quickly evolved into a range of different projects – all in support of cystic Fibrosis Research.  Today, thousands of students at nearly 60 universities and colleges across Canada, take part in Shinerama activities in more than 56 Canadian cities, towns and communities across the country – shining shoes, washing cars, holding raffles and flipping burgers on barbecues!

To date, Shinerama has raised $21.5 million dollars in the battle against cystic fibrosis – a staggering total. In 2007, students set an astounding record at $985,638 only to shatter that record in 2010 when the grand total reached $1,000,000.

This year, Shinerama challenged students to hit the $1,035,000 goal.

Here in Niagara, Brock University definitely wanted a piece of the action!

On September 10, eager to pump up the local total, the Brock University Students’ Union expanded its Shine Day locations  from 10 to more than 20 sites across St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Thorold and for the very first time, Welland.

Brock students shined shoes, washed cars and hosted barbecues across the four cities and in the end, raised an impressive total of $18,000.00!

Shine Day does much more than raise money for Cystic Fibrosis.  The team work involved helps generate  school spirit, brings new friends together, introduces students to their local communities, and, together with Brock’s Student and Community Outreach program, helps to provide students with a wide range of opportunities to enhance their university experience!

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The Author

Liz Fleming, Managing Editor of NaturallyinNiagara.ca, is an award-winning journalist who writes a weekly travel gear column for The Toronto Star as well as regular travel features for The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun, Cruise and Travel Lifestyles Magazine and CAA Travel. She’s currently a featured commentator on the Astral Media radio stations in southern Ontario, providing daily travel ‘minutes’ and is the editor of WO, the White Oaks Magazine.

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