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Naturally in Niagara

Daredevil Nik Wallenda Conquers Niagara Falls on High Wire

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On Friday, June 15, Nik Wallenda set a new record for courage as he crossed Niagara Falls on a tightrope – much to the delight of thousands of spectators who’d gathered to watch.

Below the tightrope, Wallenda’s wife and children sat aboard the Maid of the Mist, cheering him on.  While the crossing proved challenging, particularly after Wallenda was required to wear a harness by ABC, the network that broadcast the stunt live.

Fortunately, luck and many years of skill were on Wallenda’s side and he completed the crossing without a slip.

Naturally in Niagara was on hand to film the event – we think you’ll enjoy the footage!

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The Author

Liz Fleming, Managing Editor of NaturallyinNiagara.ca, is an award-winning journalist who writes a weekly travel gear column for The Toronto Star as well as regular travel features for The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun, Cruise and Travel Lifestyles Magazine and CAA Travel. She’s currently a featured commentator on the Astral Media radio stations in southern Ontario, providing daily travel ‘minutes’ and is the editor of WO, the White Oaks Magazine.

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