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Naturally in Niagara

Port Colborne Canal Days

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The Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival in Port Colborne gave an incredible view into the area’s history and heritage. Port Colborne is a working marine community, with rich nautical history and welcoming hospitality. Each year during the August holiday weekend, Tall Ships and vendors come together in an effort to encompass the community and show visitors everything Port Colborne has to offer. Each year more than 300,000 people visit the festival over four days. Friends, families, and former residents return and reminisce, and Canal Days continues to grow by bounds.

Naturally in Niagara™ arrived at Canal days around 3 p.m. on July 30 and the streets were packed with vendors and visitors alike. Each stand offered something different, from food, to clothing, to freshly squeezed lemonade. The temperature rose throughout the day, but the cool breeze that swept across the canal made sure the heat remained unnoticeable.

There was an extensive itinerary put in place that made sure each and every day had exciting events and activities so visitors remained entertained. Seaway Park had games and activities for the children while the Tall Ships offered a sunset dinner cruise for the adults. Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum unveiled the new “Wrecks and Relics” exhibit with salvaged artifacts from The Raleigh, a ship that sunk in 1911 and now resides in Lake Erie.

With everything Canal Days had to offer, there is obviously no doubt as to why it is a four day event. We had a wonderful experience and are already looking forward to it again next year. Port Colborne did a fantastic job showing visitors exactly what Niagara marinas have to offer…Naturally in Niagara! Directory World Directory World

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The Author

Marc DeLisio is the Director of Marketing and Technology at Naturally in Niagara. Marc loves Niagara, and is striving to make it an even better place to Live, Work, Play, Invest and Retire!

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