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Naturally in Niagara

Stretching Their Training Options

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Members who work out with the TRX system at the Club at White Oaks, one of Niagara’s premiere fitness facilities, certainly do more than just hang around!

Though being suspended from a series of straps is the essence of TRX, suspension training builds strength, balance, joint stability and flexibility by using body weight for resistance.  As you’ll see from the video on our site, participants work at their individual paces, but enjoy the support and camaraderie of a group exercise class and the supervision of a coach.

Resistance training is all about moving the body (or parts of the body) against some form of resistance – and the TRX makes it possible to use our own body weight as that resistant force.  The biggest benefit it offers is the opportunity to strengthen your muscles, tendons and even bones in a very site-specific manner.  When you pull or push against a resisting element, your muscles contract forcefully.  This shortens the muscle and transmits a force to the tendon, which attaches the muscle to the bone and is responsible for its movement.  This very healthy stress helps to encourage greater bone remodeling or building in that area.  Resistance training using the TRX system therefore is a great way to “stress” your bones and makes it possible for you reduce the possibility of fractures and injury.

It’s all part of the White Oaks strategy to offer cutting edge techniques and technology combined with a sense of belonging that makes healthy living fun.

We at Naturally in Niagara are proud to be working together with the fitness experts at the Club at White Oaks to provide on-going tips for healthy living in Niagara.  Be sure to visit our website for regular updates on food, fun and fitness!

For more information, visit www.whiteoaksresort.com

The Author

Liz Fleming, Managing Editor of NaturallyinNiagara.ca, is an award-winning journalist who writes a weekly travel gear column for The Toronto Star as well as regular travel features for The Toronto Star, The Toronto Sun, Cruise and Travel Lifestyles Magazine and CAA Travel. She’s currently a featured commentator on the Astral Media radio stations in southern Ontario, providing daily travel ‘minutes’ and is the editor of WO, the White Oaks Magazine.

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